Minimalist Stuff Mantra
When I find myself wanting something, or holding something, or wanting to get rid of something, this helps. 1. Do I love it? 2. Do I use it? 3. Does it work? 4. If I were to buy the item right now...
Books in Brief: The Oresteian Trilogy
Get the book. The Oresteian Trilogy is the foundation of tragedy. You need to read it just like you need to read The Odyssey. This was my first...

Books in Brief: The Lichtenberg Figures by Ben Lerner
Get the book. The stars will be adjusted for inflation so that the dead can continue living in the manner to which...

Books in Brief: The Peregrine
Read The Peregrine. This book is unique; I have never read anything like it before. The way Baker uses english is beyond...
Word Transformer Lite released!
For the past few months I’ve been working on designing and shepherding Word Transformer Lite and it’s finally on the App Store! I’ve been working...