Growth for the Sake of Growth
In a quiet moment in Seattle, Robert Levine, a social psychologist from California, quoted the environmentalist Edward Abbey: “Growth for the sake of growth is the ideology of the cancer cell.” From Why Time Management is Ruining Our Lives....

Books in Brief: On the Abolition of All Political Parties
Simone Weil’s On the Abolition of All Political Parties talks about how people are pulled either into the light of truth...
Writing 250,000 Words
I’ve written over 250,000 words since the middle of 2016 when I started journaling every morning. That doesn’t include the six months I spent writing...

Books in Brief: Authority
I started reading Authority by Nathan Barry. It’s one of those cheap e-books that’s motivational. But it does get at...
Is Everyone Lying?
One of the things about that book, Authority, is that makes the case, to me at least, that people are basically lying, or if not lying, misrepresenting themselves...