Until We Are Educated We Do Not Know What an Education Is
“Everyone goes to college ‘to become educated,’ ” Callard observes, “but until I am educated I do not really know what an education is or why it is important.” Agnes Callard, Aspiration: The Agency of Becoming as quoted by Joshua Rothman in "...

A Philosophy of Walking by Frédéric Gros
This is another entry in what I’ve come to think of as “Craig Mod books,” reflections on walking and what that...
Cloudy Logic
To pass the social system off as an objective artifact determined by (quasi-) scientific processes, forecasting has to scapegoat “irresponsible” individuals for failing to live up to the...
This Cup is Broken
I dropped my father’s cup today. My dad died when I was eight. I would get up before him, make a breakfast of bagels or toast and...
An Honest Productivity Hack
The world is full of nonsense, but here’s a slice of sanity including something you can buy. I’m writing this note to myself because I used...