
Default Filename TV
Default Filename TV showcases YouTube videos with default filenames. They really do share a certain vibe. Default filenames are a kind of shibboleth for digital honesty. As the author pointed out, this has the added benefit of jamming your YouTube recommendations....

It Is Certainly a Bumptious One
We struggle to be just. For we cannot help feel at least a sympathetic pain before the sheer labor, discipline and patient...

Books in Brief: The Nocilla Trilogy
Get the books. The Nocilla trilogy is strange. It feels familiar in the way the internet does. The first two books are...

Books in Brief: Kafka on the Shore
Get the book. Kafka on the Shore was one of those books I fought with until about three-quarters of the way through,...

“To My Fellow White Others”
The need to unpack our power and privilege in moments of pain and hurt is counterintuitive to most of us. We rightly...