The Scope of the Night
Night time is for narrowing my scope. It’s for closing the horizon, for donning blinders, for setting the limits of my suite of concerns to fit between the walls of my bedroom. That is the only danger the phone poses; it...
Fiction in the Morning
Something in me has become somewhat cattywampus because I cannot decide between writing or reading in the morning, and am starting to prefer to read, over nonfiction—usually...

“We’re the ones you cannot touch because we are too near.”
Let the record show that the American Dream is so many nightmares that some Americans dream of death for comfort; and what...

Busy Twitter Day
I made a tweet that made its way into a Twitter Moment. This actually went okay, because I muted the thread after...

MACK Photography Books
This publisher does something I haven’t seen before: they show most of the book. You can read it. You can look...