Brutal Systems
I wrote this a year ago. Rereading it today made me realize that I still think this is a useful way of reasoning about people, one that doesn’t characterize them as evil. That helps me. I hope it helps you. When...

Books in Brief: How to Take Smart Notes by Sönke Ahrens
I wish I had read this as an undergraduate. It breaks apart why the method of note-taking seen in schools is terrible...

Books in Brief: A Time of Gifts by Patrick Leigh Fermor
I love this book. The trilogy chronicles the adventures of the author walking from England to Istanbul starting in 1934. This represents...
Winamp Skin Museum
I had a madeleine moment last night. The Winamp Skin Museum is a window into a time when you thought of your computer’s interface as an extension...
Unnecessary Architecture
Had a little epiphany when I went down some stairs in Morrowind. There were two doors next to one another in a room. Both led to the floor...